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This is the Homepage of Troop 35. It's purpose is to provide news and information about the troop to members and their parents and prospective members. Boy Scout Troop 35 is sponsored by St. Luke United Methodist Church in Columbus, Georgia. We were organized in September of 1998 and held our first Troop meeting on September 12th in the Basement of the church.(Map to St. Luke) We meet each Wednesday night at 6:30pm directly after the church's Wednesday night supper. Presently, this website is produced and maintained by Rick Tew, Assistant Scoutmaster, but in the future will become an on-going project of our scouts.
Troop 35 began with 11 charter members divided into two patrols, the Cobra Patrol, and the Scorpion Patrol. As of July, 1999 we have grown to 18 members in three patrols. Mr. Charles Greene is Scoutmaster and Kermit Griner, and Rick Tew are Assistant Scoutmasters. Marc Reid is Committee Chairman and Kevin Hudson is our Troop Chaplain. We are sponsored by St. Luke United Methodist Church and are a part of their scouting program, which includes Want-A-Bees, Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Explorers, Brownies, and Girl Scouts. For information about any of these scouting programs contact Kevin Hudson.
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Comments, Questions, Suggestions, or Anything Else:
Last updated July 23, 1999
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